Tag Archives: Relationships

Series: 1 and 2 Peter [audio]

The epistles of 1 and 2 Peter (Kefa) contain priceless wisdom for the maturing believer in Messiah Yeshua. Below is a collection of messages from Derek Blumenthal comprising a verse-by-verse study of the two letters.


What the Torah Says [audio]

The topical series, delivered in April through June of 2014, was created according to the requests of Beth Sar Shalom congregants and explores what the Bible has to say on a variety of subjects.

Each message can be downloaded for offline listening by right clicking on the title and selecting Save Target As or Save Link As.


1 – Shomar Shabbat 6 – Friendship and Fellowship
2 – The Tongue 7 – Marriage and Romantic Relationships
3 – Brit Milah (Circumcision), Tevilah (Immersion) 8 – Pain and Suffering
4 – Tzitzit, Tefillin, Head Coverings 9 – Our Adversary
5 – Work and Finances